If you are a New Jersey Diner Fan, you have your reasons you Love NJ Diners. Whether it’s Fries and Gravy (sometimes called “Disco Fries” by our friends up North) after a Night out, fights, sighting a famous star from New Jersey. Sometimes it’s a particular Waitress that has a great personality or an owner or regular that has a funny bone or even like a sewing circle, a great place for dirt!
Please leave a comment as to why you Love Diners in New Jersey. Tell a story, share a favorite place but if it involves a famous person, let’s leave the location out so they are not bothered. In fact, the Boss, Bruce Springsteen has been known to partake in the NJ Diner but I won’t divulge so don’t ask. 🙂
For example, my reasons are, in no particular order, Fights at the Manalapan Diner after the Birch Hill Night Club, Fries and Gravy and Boom-Boom the Waitress, also from the Manalapan Diner with her Beehive Coiffure and Ruby Red Lipstick
What’s your Tale? Comment below.
Mr. NJ Diners